Notice the unsightly crack in this BEFORE picture.
This AFTER image demonstrates how our crack repair services make a big difference.
Info : Tile floor crack repaired
Cracked Tile
Tile is known for its durability, but it is not impervious to damage. Cracks are a common problem in floors that get a lot of traffic and use. Sometimes the problem is caused by a shift or settling in the subfloor. Other times a crack can be caused by a heavy item being dropped on the floor. Regardless of how a crack forms, it is unsightly and detracts from the beauty and elegance of the floor.
Tile Crack Repair
In order to ensure proper adhesion of the repair material, we used a hand tool to widen the base of the crack and then cleared the crack of any debris. The filler we used was custom tinted epoxy. Once all the epoxy was cured, we honed and polished the repair site to blend it with the surrounding surface.
The homeowners were happy that we were able to repair the tile and save them the cost of replacement.